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Anglès Server crash
The hard disk of the web server has crashed yesterday :( .

The data were restored from the 9h january. [b]Many translations, messages, wiki articles and members are lost[/b], and I'm sorry for that. All avatars pictures are also lost. I invite deleted members to register again and [b]send a message in the forums to get back their former status[/b] (Number of points, Expert rank etc...). [b]All members are invited to request their points back[/b].

I hope it won't happen again as it took me the whole week-end to repair and it's not yet completed.

Traduccions finalitzades
Francès Crash du Serveur
Alemany Serverabsturz
Turc Sunucu çöktü
Italià Crash del server
Neerlandès Server Crash
Castellà Avería en el servidor
Rus Поломка сервера
Portuguès Falha no servidor
Portuguès brasiler Falha no servidor
Esperanto Paneo de servilo
Suec Server krasch
Xinès simplificat 服务器崩溃
Búlgar Срив на сървъра
Hebreu נפילת שרת
Àrab تحطّم الخادم
Català Avaría del servidor
Romanès PrăbuÅŸirea serverului
Japonès サーバ・クラッシュについて
Serbi Pad servera
Albanès Prishaj e serverit
Idioma orígen
Anglès Warning-original-revision
Warning, some [1]upload items[/1] (%l) from the original revision cannot be find in the edited revision, are you sure you want to go on?
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes has disapeared, the sound or the illustration will be deleted, that's why we must display a warning.

Traduccions finalitzades
Xinès simplificat 警告-原始-修订版
Xinès 警告-原始-修訂
Portuguès brasiler Atenção-original-versão
Portuguès Atenção-original-versão
Albanès Kujdes-origjinale-perpunuar
Àrab تحذير -مراجعة-أصليّة
Italià Avvertimento-originale-revisione
Alemany Warnung-Original-Bearbeitung
Esperanto Averto-originala-revizaĵo
Suec Varning-original-revision
Turc Uyarı-Orijinal-Yenileme
Neerlandès Waarschuwing - originele - versie
Castellà Advertencia-version-original
Romanès AtenÅ£ie-versiunea-originală
Rus Внимание-оригинал-проверка
Català Avís-original-revisió
13Idioma orígen13
Anglès The language being taught
When translating a language course, be careful not to translate the words written in the language being taught!
For example, you have a french lesson commented in english :
« "Bonjour" means "Hello" »
If you want to translate the lesson into italian it will be :
« "Bonjour" significa "Buongiorno" »

In this example the french language is the taught language and the english and spanish languages are the languages used to comment the lesson. "Bonjour" is kept untranslated.

Traduccions finalitzades
Romanès Traducere-limbă-netradus!
Alemany Übersetzen-Sprachkurs-unübersetzt!
Xinès 翻譯-語言-不翻譯!
Portuguès brasiler Traduzir-idioma-não-traduzido!
Portuguès Traduzir-idioma-não-traduzido!
Albanès Perkthyer-gjuhe-joperkthyer!
Italià Traduzione - lingua - non tradotta!
Àrab ترجمة-لغة-بدون ترجمة!
Turc çeviri-dil-çevirilmemiş
Xinès simplificat 翻译-语言-未翻译!
Esperanto Tradukante-lingvon-netradukitan!
Català Traduint-llengua-sense traduir
Suec Översätta-språk-oöversatt
Hebreu שימו-לב-תירגום
Neerlandès Wees voorzichtig
Rus Перевод-язык-не переводить!
Castellà Traducion-lengua-no traducidas
Japonès 翻訳-言語-未翻訳!
Búlgar Превод-език-не превеждай
Hongarès fordítás-nyelv-lefordítatlan
Grec μεταφράζοντας-γλώσσα-αμετάφραστη!
Txec Jazyk který je vyučován
Idioma orígen
Anglès Customize-exportation-translations
With the exportation template you can customize the exportation of the project translations to the language files.
What is the exportation process? For example, you have 3 translations in your project. For the English language the 3 texts are "Home", "Directory", "Help". You can export the 3 translations to a file with a given template. For example you want the lines of your file being like «MyTranslation_[transref]="[trans]";»
Then when you export the 3 translations of your project you will create a file (that we call language file because it represents the english language for your project) that will be like this :


Traduccions finalitzades
Suec Skräddarsy-exportering-översättning
Romanès AdaptaÅ£i-export-traduceri
Hebreu hebrew translation
Alemany Export-Ãœbersetzungen-anpassen
Búlgar Индивидуализиране-експортиране-преводи
Albanès Pershtatje-spostim-perkthime
Àrab تفصيل -تصدير -ترجمات
Portuguès Personalizar-exportação-traduções
Castellà Con la plantilla de exportación tú puedes personalizar
Italià Con i modelli d'esportazione puoi personalizzare
Turc Uyarla-ihraç-çeviriler
Català Personalitzar-exportació-traduccions
Xinès simplificat 自定义-导入-译文
Esperanto Agordi-eksporto-tradukoj
Neerlandès Aanpassen-uitvoer-vertalingen
Grec Προσαρμογή-εξαγωγή-μεταφράσεις
Serbi Prilagoditi - unos - prevodi
Japonès カスタマイズ-エクスポート-翻訳
Danès Overflyttelsesskabelon
Finès Muuttaa-vienti-käännökset
Xinès 自訂譯文輸出
Hongarès A forditàsok kivitele
Noruec Anpasse-eksport-oversettelse
Coreà 사용자지정-보내기-번역
Txec Přizpůsobit-export-překladů
Llengua persa هماهنگ کردن-ارسال-ترجمه ها
Eslovac Prispôsobiť export prekladov
Lituà pakeisti-eksportacija-vertimas
Rus Настроить-экспорт-переводов
Afrikaans Aanpas-uitvoer-vertalings
Tailandès ปรับค่าการส่งออกคำแปล
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